About shuttle bus service

Top ​ ​ Application for various services ​ ​ About the shuttle bus service

For elementary schools who wish to study at The National Hansen's Disease Museum

What is a pick-up service?

We will provide a shuttle bus service to elementary schools that wish to study at The National Hansen's Disease Museum, within the number of available spaces. If you are thinking of studying about Issues related to leprosy in your extracurricular activities, please consider this and apply on our museum's website.
Details of the application period and other details will be announced in the announcements.


Guide for group tours using shuttle buses

For closed days and opening hours, please see the "Usage Guide" on the museum homepage (https://www.nhdm.jp).

In conjunction Tama Zenshoen of Inside the sanatorium If you would like to visit, the organization it will be separately Tama Zenshoen General Affairs Division (TEL: 042-395-1101) Please contact us to put the contact.

Eating, drinking and smoking are prohibited inside the building.


[Applications and inquiries regarding shuttle buses]
The National Hansen's Disease Museum Management Division
4-1-13, Aoba-cho, Higashimurayama-shi, Tokyo 189-0002
TEL: 042-396-2909 /FAX: 042-396-2981
E-mail: group@nhdm.jp